Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 1212 Installation Guidelines: WMP-RETRO The preceding is provided as a general guideline of an appropriate method of resurfacing and re-covering damaged faced insulation in a metal building. It is not intended for, nor is it suitable for, all instances where metal building insulation facing is to be applied as a resurfacing or re-covering of damaged insulation fac- ing. Such an application should only be done after any damaged or missing insulation is repaired or replaced and any building envelope issues, including infiltration of water, are addressed. The installer should always read and follow the manufacturer’s written guideline for the application of the product, abide by all appli- cable building codes and all industry and government safety rules when engaging in any construction activity, including resurfacing or re-covering damaged facing insulation in a metal building. A suitable work table should be available to cut and fold the WMP-RETRO material to the proper configuration prior to installation. Fastener/Tool List: Self Locking Star Washers 1” Round, Galvanized, Mild Steel, Beveled Edge, 4.5 mm Center Hole Gemco 1019 Griggs Street Danville, IL 61832 217-446-7900 Nail Gun Model No: Max CN5655 Pins: Part No: 2359N Aerosmith Fastening Systems 5621 Dividend Road Indianapolis, IN 46241 800-528-8183 Disclaimer: